Project Description
Participating Organisations
Project Summary
Project Description

Our project aims to contribute to the solution of language problems that are encountered most in vocational education with training modules including new innovative common curriculum and digital exercise programs. These modules will be professions in the fields we need the most in our lives. Professions will be divided into categories and will consist of modules in 7 languages, including a dictionary and a learning program.

In addition to the prepared training modules, the open source digital platform which includes different innovative educational applications such as analogy method and cariturization will contribute to our goal of integrating technology into our lives and benefiting from technological developments with a language learning platform accessible to everyone.

In this context, the project will support people who have to go to other countries to work in the changing social structure that has become more mobile, multicultural and digital with its innovative structure, or who need to learn two more languages in addition to the main language they will need while practicing their profession.

It will contribute to the future generations to be better equipped by providing education opportunities not only to adults but also to children and young people who are educated in workshops or vocational training centers from a young age.

This platform will equip European citizens with the knowledge, skills and competences they will need in a dynamic environment. Especially in today's business world, it will enable people from different ages, different cultural, social, economic backgrounds and people with few opportunities, including the disabled and immigrants, to access job opportunities easily. With this equality of opportunity provided to people, this platform will encourage innovation and make a meaningful contribution by building bridges for digital change and a sustainable future.

The initial objective of our project is to introduce systematic approaches and opportunities for the initial and continuing professional development of VET teachers, trainers and mentors, both in the school context and in the work-based context, by means of focusin on the development of effective, open and innovative education through the use of ICT.

Our other goal in the project is to ensure the acquisition of high quality skills and competences, together with activities that will enable learning of the 50 most used terms of 20 professions necessary in daily life in 7 languages, on the innovative professional development open source platform.

Yet another of our goals is to support employability, socio-educational and professional development by enabling individuals to be supported in the acquisition and development of core competencies (including basic, cross and soft skills, entrepreneurship, foreign language and digital skills).

Istanbul Gelisim Universitesi

The following subjects are included in the study area of our university;expertise in inclusive education policies,theories and practices, design of learning modules and tools,planning and realizing training course, academic research and data analysis,distance learning and e-learning,evaluating and validating of education programs,innovative practices in education,ecologic, economic and social sustainable.

Some activities of University:

To ensure lifelong learning, education, training, research
To provide vocational training, education and consultancy services
To research for children, young people, women, migrants, people with disadvantaged groups etc.
To organize training on social entrepreneurship, to conduct the activities of research and development to improve the entrepreneurship skills
To organize cultural and artistic activities

DRUŠTVO AKADEMIJA ZA RAZVOJ MLADIH - ARM is independent social initiative, which emergence young initiatives who decided to step together to build knowledge synergy projects, events, trainings, exchanges, collaborative and strategic partnerships with various counselling. Purpose of our organization is implementing programs of depth training and realization of common interests.

Promote the institutional cooperation of the European Union and the synergies of various international environments.
Offer training, integration and education of agents in both international and domestic projects.
Develop new ideas and promoting new forms of innovative practices in different countries.
Create partnership building activities with strategic and participating partnerships.
Concern for professional leadership training (mainly for European youth and people with fewer opportunities or so-called socially excluded).
Corporate in programs and opening view into various thematic spheres
    • Country : Slovenia
    • Region : Osrednjeslovenska
    • City : Kamnik
Wise Academy

WA, as a organization and it is active in non-formal work. Our main aim is involvement in activities and discussions that have to do with important issues like the environment, education, job opportunities, unemployment, economy, intercultural awareness, volunteerism, and others

We create Mobility programs, such as Erasmus +, to offer a wide range of opportunities for young people in the context of getting to know other cultures and organizing international meetings whose goal is to develop intercultural understanding and at the same time refuting the existing stereotypes and spreading the idea of what Europe is and the diversity of its roots.

    • Country : Sweden
    • Region : Skåne län
    • City : Lund

Few workshops, both online and on-site, in the public library of our hometown, speaking about the different modalities and opportunities that youngsters can apply for; we explained the differences, the process of application and the preparation each of them required;

We created a very active and attractive social media in which we collaborate with other partners to make known and more visible other organisations’s initiatives which our local people can take advantage of too;

A studio on dissemination of information about the new Erasmus+ Program Guide.

    • Country : Spain
    • Region : Andalucía
    • City : Encinarejo de Córdoba
Afyonkarahisar Kendin Yap Derneği

In Afyonkarahisar DIY Workshop, future-oriented vocational trainings (Ardunio, shracht, 3D software and Advertising, Augmented Reality, Artificial intelligence, Coding) and training on survival skills (use of radio in case of disaster, first aid, AFAD trainings, climbing etc.) in daily life. trainings that increase their self-confidence (mind and intelligence games, drama, theater, entrepreneurship) design and handicrafts (felt, ceramics, knitting, leather processing, wood design, sewing, turning) are given.

DIY Workshop is an education association supported by Zafer Development Agency, which was established within the scope of Afyonkarahisar Provincial National Education project.

An international symposium was held in this association, a technofest student was prepared and a regular magazine was started to be published. Among the activities to be held this year are the mind and intelligence games tournament and the do-it-yourself robot competition.

    • Country : Turkey
    • Region : Afyonkarahisar
Objectives: What do you want to achieve by implementing the project?

In the project, our main goal is to create an innovative professional language learning platform that can be used by the education community, the business world, immigrants and refugees, and can be reached by everyone. On this platform, there will be training modules including English and Turkish for the terms used in the 20 most needed professions on the platform, as well as dictionaries and exercises where they can learn at least 7 languages such as French, German, Korean, Spanish, Italian.

Implementation: What activities are you going to implement?

Preparatory activities;Project promotion,poster logo designation,press release,social media accounts creation,project contract signing

Implementation Activities; Creating a dictionary containing 7 different languages,creating training modules in 7 different languages at the first 3 levels(with innovative approaches in education),realizing digital vocational training platform software,international conference

Evaluation studies;Monthly project progress report, interim report and final report

Results: What results do you expect your project to have?

E-learning with training modules will provide an advantage to the sectors for language learning in terms of access and flexibility.Free open language learning material will be created.Language teaching and learning will also be encouraged within the framework of cooperation projects.Innovative and good practices aimed at improving language skills,such as teaching and assessment methods,development of pedagogical material,research,computer-assisted language learning,will benefit the public.









Project Partners

Afyonkarahisar Kendin Yap Derneği


Wise Academy

Istanbul Gelisim Universitesi